First of all, I am very proud of my first Handmade Microbraid Wig. I pat myself on the back.

I am going to give my pros and cons of my work.

Each 423 Hand-braided
Very full
Not Heavy
Wig did not slip

Very “wiggy” (big for my face)- not exactly my taste
Braids very long and wig very full

I learned from making this wig is to make the top middle full and space out the braids on the sides and back to have the wig to lay more flat on my head.

Work on my skills to make the wig have a better scalp/parts appear natural looking. I had to sew together some of the braids to cover the wig cap.

Overall, I am very pleased with my skills and completed my first wig. I plan on cutting the braids and spiral curl them. (STAY TUNE FOR THE RESTYLE)

Please feel free to add a comment pro or con that can help me with my next wig creation.

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