Isaiah 66:1 – 2
The Humble and Contrite in Spirit: God Is Present To ALL SPACE!!1. Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest?
2. All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.
Yes, God is omnipresent ruling over all kingdoms everywhere simultaneously. Grasping God’s presence for He draws near to hear every whispered prayer. Throughout the Bible, everything created continues to exist under the control of a sovereign God.
Being able to grasp the concept of eternity, one might be able to comprehend the omnipresence of God. The human mind timeline of events is as follow the past, present, and future. God, who is eternal, is not limited by time. As ruler over all mankind’s past, present, and future, God proclaims, “I am the Alpha [Beginning, First] and the Omega [End, Last] God in His whole being is present at every point in our space therefore no hiding place from the Lord. Through His Spirit, God’s reach extends to every corner of the universe as well as into the hearts of mankind.
I can understand why it is important to fellowship in “Church.” When family and friends forsake us, or we are being attacked by foes, GOD is present. When we are called to complete a difficult task, GOD assures us that He will go with us.
Let me say here that while God’s presence in our everyday life should humble, and comfort us, OUR presence in the House of God ought to do much more. It is in Church that we are to humble ourselves to His presence, for God knows the motives that brought us there, He knows the condition of our heart while we are there, and He knows what we will do with what He gives us there. He knows if we have prayed and He knows if our singing is the result of the melody in our heart. The mind of God is what the Bible is, the reflection of God and the Bible stimulates the mind thoughts of man.
Without the thoughts of God, our thoughts will be wild, wicked, woeful, and wasteful. Our ideas of life, the soul and eternity are regulated by the revealed thoughts of God in the Bible. All other ideas are of no value.
Life Is Only What You Make It,
Vernessie M. Joseph-Burbank